Blog Journal 2

My Microsoft Word Experience 

Throughout my years of school, I used Microsoft Word for most of my assignments and projects, mainly in my upper level of education. In my experience with Microsoft, I find it quite helpful software to create essays and other lengthy assignments, K-12 my main experience was taking a computer class in the tenth grade and first learning how to use the software. This helped set up my other core knowledge with Microsoft and made it easier for my other classwork. Also using Microsoft Word at FSU has helped me create more types of projects, for example, our newsletter assignment. The only other software I have used in the past is Google Docs, which is also helpful software but doesn't have as many designs or tools as Microsoft has.  

ISTE Standard for Educators

ISTE is short for International Society for Technology in Education, and it is broken down into five different standards. ISTE provides students and educators with technology standards that are taught in the classrooms. The standard that means the most to me is the ISTE standard for students, this standard encourages the student to take an active role in the technology process. The student standard also teaches the students responsibilities and to be creative by expressing themselves using digital media. Reading through this section, I learned that students can also reach out globally and learn global issues. Overall, as future educators, I believe reading about ISTE will provide more insight into effective ways to use technology in the classroom.

Digital native

The digital narrative is explained as young people and their relationship with technology. To be a digital narrative, I believe it's the younger generation that grew up around internet access and had to use software apps in school. I do agree with the narrative, based on the fact that I have observed younger levels of education and been part of it, where technology is a huge factor in younger people's lives. Most of the time the only difference I have seen between teachers and myself is just the difference in what teacher might use an older approach to teach for example, handing out papers for assignments or quizzes in their classrooms. I believe as technology advances as it is doing so in the school systems, I will have to be equipped with finding creative ways to use technology to teach lesson plans for students in the future. 


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