
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Journal 6

 Diigo Before taking this course, I have never used Diigo, so this is my first experience with the software. I found Diigo to be a creative tool to connect with other classmates and be able to provide websites that are accurate to the course materials. For instance, being able to post educational software that other people can see gives me an idea about future software to use as an educator. I also found Diigo helpful in staying organized with different websites. Blogging Using Blogging is also a new experience for me. I found Blogger quite challenging at first, but getting used to it during our weekly blog post has helped me become familiar with the software. I have learned how to post a blog, post pictures, and be able to see my classmate's posts. Blogger is a great platform to share your thoughts and be able to post information. I believe I would use Blogger in the future to share information with coworkers or maybe parents.   Web 2.0 tool Taking this course has exposed me to ma

Blog Journal 5

  Instagram for your Personal Learning Network I use Instagram to connect with people for my network the most, being able to look at videos and connect with other students who are also interested in beginning teachers is quite helpful. I also look at other educators who have experience with teaching to hear what they have learned throughout teaching. Instagram is a great tool for finding helpful videos, profiles, and other websites to help in a classroom. I believe Instagram would be part of my future career to look for projects for students or even connect with other educators.   Digital divide Digital Divide discusses the gap between students who do and who don't have access to technology. It is more common in today's education that students might need technology to complete projects and classroom work. The digital divide struggle occurs all over the United States and can affect student academic success. It is often that the digital divide occurs due to financial issu

Blog Journal 4

    ELA Technology Standards ELA Technology Standards provides both students and teachers with standards that help improve technology usage in the classroom. One of the standards that stood out to me was for the lower level of education that discusses how to communicate and collaborate within technology for grade levels K-2. This standard describes how it's essential that students identify a variety of digital tools to use for communication and collaboration. This provides students with different options when using technology in their classroom. The standard also discusses that students should be using technology to collaborate with other peers and the teacher to solve problems and be able to handle criticism from others. I can teach these standards to my future students due to having multiple experiences using technology with others.   "CPALMS The website from this week's module, "CPALMS", is a page I have previously seen in one of my classes. The websit

Blog Journal 3

Copyright and fair use . Copyright is an important topic to discuss and to learn more about. Throughout this week's class, I learned more about the fair use of copyright that could be used in my future classroom. It's essential to be able to provide visual aids for students to use and for them to use for their schoolwork. While doing these images should have the right credentials for the creator of the image to get credit. I believe after this week I will be able to provide this for students to use and teach them how to do it.  Technology implementation issues Having technology implementation issues can be difficult to navigate in a classroom. These issues need to be solved; the main one I believe that takes priority in the school setting is the lack of funding. Lack of funding occurs for many different schools in the United States and can impact a student's education. Without funding in schools, students can struggle with being able to have the materials they need in th

Image Attribution

                                               " Paint Brushes Close-Up " by  Tech109  is licensed under  CC BY 2.0 .