Blog Journal 4


 ELA Technology Standards

ELA Technology Standards provides both students and teachers with standards that help improve technology usage in the classroom. One of the standards that stood out to me was for the lower level of education that discusses how to communicate and collaborate within technology for grade levels K-2. This standard describes how it's essential that students identify a variety of digital tools to use for communication and collaboration. This provides students with different options when using technology in their classroom. The standard also discusses that students should be using technology to collaborate with other peers and the teacher to solve problems and be able to handle criticism from others. I can teach these standards to my future students due to having multiple experiences using technology with others.



The website from this week's module, "CPALMS", is a page I have previously seen in one of my classes. The website has resources for teachers, students, and parents to use for grades K-12 that contain Florida standards in education. On this website, I decided to pick the fourth grade to look through the resources it discusses for an upper-grade level in elementary school. What stood out to me the most was how the website breaks down all the subjects for the grade levels and also includes many lesson plans to use and learn from. For example, the English studies for the fourth grade include multiple books students can study. I find these resources to be quite helpful to use to help teach because they give examples and videos that can be paired with lesson plans. The page also does an excellent job of providing lesson plans that match school systems today's curriculum.


Internet searching

Internet searching is a great skill to have today. For teachers, it's essential to know how to internet search to provide students with resources that are helpful towards the lesson plan and their learning habits. For example, teachers will have to use the internet to find videos, pictures, and activities for students in the classroom. This week's class taught me how to do a deep search on Google, which I previously hadn't been exposed to. I believe I will use this skill further down the line in my future classroom.


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